Friday, May 29, 2020

How To Easily Get a List of Email Addresses from JibberJobber

How To Easily Get a List of Email Addresses from JibberJobber This is one of my favorite functions within JibberJobber because it is one way to get email addresses from a specific group of your Contacts.  Its pretty quick and easy: Step 1: Get to the Contacts List Panel either click the word Contacts, or click on the link to go the List Panel from the Contacts dropdown. Step 2: Optional, but I wouldnt do it any other way.  Filter your Contact list so you get just who you want.  In this example Im putting this search phrase in the search box: tags:resume.  This will show all contacts who Ive tagged as resume professionals. Note: If I have less than 256 Contacts in the search results, this works fine.  If I have more, I would click on Get Contact List, or Import/Export from the Contacts dropdown. Step 3: Click the checkboxes by the names you want email address for.  The top-left checkbox will select all so you only need to click once. Step 4: At the bottom of the List Panel there are the multi-action icons. Click on the envelope icon to get all of the email addresses, formatted perfectly for your email client. Step 5: Grab the email addresses.  If you have your browser set up so that clicking on an email opens your email client, you can simply click on the Put in To or Put in BCC links (1).  Or, you can click in the textbox (2) to copy from there and then paste to a bcc field on your email client.  I would click in the box, hit Control-A (to select all), then Control-C (to copy the selection), and then go to my email client to paste. Note: The format in the text box is FirstName LastName emailaddress,  FirstName LastName emailaddress, etc.  This makes it easy no additional editing is needed! I know this is a long post but really, each step is very quick, and you can get your targeted email list out of JibberJobber quickly! Questions? How To Easily Get a List of Email Addresses from JibberJobber This is one of my favorite functions within JibberJobber because it is one way to get email addresses from a specific group of your Contacts.  Its pretty quick and easy: Step 1: Get to the Contacts List Panel either click the word Contacts, or click on the link to go the List Panel from the Contacts dropdown. Step 2: Optional, but I wouldnt do it any other way.  Filter your Contact list so you get just who you want.  In this example Im putting this search phrase in the search box: tags:resume.  This will show all contacts who Ive tagged as resume professionals. Note: If I have less than 256 Contacts in the search results, this works fine.  If I have more, I would click on Get Contact List, or Import/Export from the Contacts dropdown. Step 3: Click the checkboxes by the names you want email address for.  The top-left checkbox will select all so you only need to click once. Step 4: At the bottom of the List Panel there are the multi-action icons. Click on the envelope icon to get all of the email addresses, formatted perfectly for your email client. Step 5: Grab the email addresses.  If you have your browser set up so that clicking on an email opens your email client, you can simply click on the Put in To or Put in BCC links (1).  Or, you can click in the textbox (2) to copy from there and then paste to a bcc field on your email client.  I would click in the box, hit Control-A (to select all), then Control-C (to copy the selection), and then go to my email client to paste. Note: The format in the text box is FirstName LastName emailaddress,  FirstName LastName emailaddress, etc.  This makes it easy no additional editing is needed! I know this is a long post but really, each step is very quick, and you can get your targeted email list out of JibberJobber quickly! Questions?

Monday, May 25, 2020

7 Tips to Writing Resumes for Jobs in Education

7 Tips to Writing Resumes for Jobs in Education An education field offers you with a lot of opportunities, whereby, you can prove your potential, and serve the most interesting area you desire for. It can be administration, examination, teaching, assistance, or associated support functions. So, while applying for such jobs, you need to display your good academic records and research abilities, to prove your potential to handle positional responsibilities. Thus, they help you to create an additional advantage, by highlighting your strong aspirations, to serve the education sector. Hence, education resume should be an effective portrayal of your skills, qualities, and accomplishments in the field. They offer the employer with your strong learning, and research abilities in the education sector. In this way, present your in-depth understanding of the matters, and completion of supplementary training programs, to offer the best services. How to build strong education resume? To draft the most useful and consistent resume content, you need to analyze the given work thoroughly. Such an analysis helps to have a focused mind, stressing essential skills to get the readers attention. Thus, depending on the positional requirement, you need to highlight your specific skills, which will assist you in accomplishing your daily jobs in the most effective manner. It should be more of a scientific attempt to put forth your academic achievements and extra curricular activities, which assists you in developing the right team spirit. It surely keeps the reader interested, and develops curiosity to know more about your professionalism. Elements of a smart education resume: While writing education resumes, you will find certain common things about education careers. These are the elements given due consideration by the employer, and hence, you can go through them to utilize them. Strong in-depth understanding of the subject:  Highlighting your sound knowledge about the subject to ascertain your abilities to offer good educational assistance to the learners. Hence, offer adequate details and information to convince the potential employer about your excellence in the field. Good analytical and evaluation skills: These skills assist you in calculating the training functions, and thereby, designing effective teaching tools to generate the desired effects. They also assist in ascertaining your teaching performance considerably. Effective management and administration skills: Your strong administration skills work as a supplement to your excellence, and help you to achieve your established objectives, in the best possible manner. Hence, let your resume organize them in a good way to present your excellent management abilities. Abilities to generate results: Your result oriented approach will project your confidence level, and ensure the employer about your professional services. Thus, stressing your performance oriented approach makes it easy for the employer, to analyze your suitability for the specific offer. In the same way, link your prior managerial work experiences to establish the necessary link. Training and teaching skills: Focus on your prior working experience to offer the best results. Be well updated with the recent educational developments. Include details about the prospective career section you wish to apply for. Extra curricular activities: Include your performance in extra curricular activities, to present your good team spirit and abilities to function well as a team. Focusing on such effective leadership abilities and responsibilities, will project your nature to handle independent functions. Research aptitude: Offer details about the academic projects or researches accomplished; it will speak for your learning and good analytical skills. In this way, let your sample education resume be an effective means to target the employers attention, by closely coordinating your profile with the positional requirements. Thus, an education field provides you with different opportunities or areas to work in. You can apply for the given position, by justifying your abilities, and compliance with the given eligibility criteria. This helps you to coordinate essential details with respect to the given job offer, and thereby, market your competencies to provide effective teaching, or training functions. Hence, never underestimate importance of a well built format and content; it adds a lot to your resumes, and designs useful matter to attract the employers attention. This education career gives an extra opportunity to manage your academic details, by highlighting essential accomplishments in the field. Conclusion Writing a good and well integrated education career resume involves throwing light on your academic accomplishments, and thereby, presenting the employer with all the essential details, in which, he must be interested in. Related: What Every Sales or Marketing Resume Must Focus On Janet Steward is a professional freelance resume writer who has love for creativity and enjoys sharing information. She has written articles that shows examples, samples, formats, tips and guidelines on how to write a perfect resume for various profiles. For more help on writing resume samples you can visit Aroj.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Dont Leave Your Emotions At The Door

Dont Leave Your Emotions At The Door An emotional moment in a film and you break down in tears.   A sad song gets the tears flowing.   Or maybe a cute SMS brings tears to your eyes. Is this is the case, you’re over-sensitive. For a lot of individuals, it’s an emotional curse that can make it difficult to focus on your day-to-day activities. Highly sensitive individuals need to learn to shield themselves from negative emotions and negative catalysts in their social circle. Otherwise, they are doomed to a life of suffering. However, emotions are not always a bad thing. If you know how to manage yours, you can achieve great things by listening to your feelings. For a start, most transformations that you go through in life are dictated as an emotional result of a difficult event. But more importantly, there may be a lot of greatness that comes out of being able to follow an emotional clue in your career. The bottom line is that there are many very good reasons why you should never leave your emotions at the door of your workplace. Big life change, big me change Do you know what the first thing you do after a bad breakup is? Okay, not the first thing.   The priority will probably go to calling your friends and then comforting yourself with a tub of ice cream, or maybe the other way round. But the first thing you do when you start to feel better and decide to take back control of your life is changing your appearance. It could be the physical proof that you are over your ex. Most people decide to get some new clothes or    go for a new hairstyle. As you wave goodbye to the memories of the past as you cut your hair. Creating the change, you need in your life starts with your appearance. While it’s just hair, it’s often the primary response to a big life change, whether you’re going through a stressful situation or are trying to get back to the dating scene. It’s only natural to listen to your emotions when you are dealing with personal situations. More often than not, your emotions guide you through the correct path to get better â€" unless of course, you focus your energy on breeding negative emotions and in that case you won’t be able to improve much. But why stop here? So it may be surprising when everything in your personal life points towards a deeper and stronger understanding of your feelings, that most traditional workplaces continue to function along the motto: It’s business, leave your personal feelings at the door.   Of course, there’s a natural inclination to believe that you can’t mix business thinking with emotional behavior, but at the core of everything, it’s impossible to separate an individual from his or her emotions. The take on not mixing feeling and business is based on a strategic approach to the business environment in which employees and employers are just a bolt in the great machine. At this level, it might even seem preposterous to talk about individuals. When no feelings are involved, a business might be composed of functions, tasks and a series of data on the pay slips. Additionally, in such a constellation, it becomes tricky to create essential marketing tools such as an emotional hook, which is necessary to approach a new audience or even an engaging content piece. Without the inclusion of emotions, the image of a business becomes only two-dimensional. You should bring your emotions to work You can’t let your business fall flat. So youll need to accept and acknowledge the importance of emotions in the workplace. Indeed, emotions play an essential part in the way people interact with each other or even how motivated or passionate they can be about their job. Without emotion, there is no passion. Consequently, if you want employees who are dedicated to serving the interest of their customers in the best way they can, you need to make emotions part of your business. Feelings are at the center of creative work and positive atmosphere at work.   Emotions can enrich the project and help you to deliver a carefully produced solution or product.   And they can also make it easier to understand a target audience. As the world of business relies on the ability to collect data, it’s important to keep an emotional side to give meaning to lifeless facts. For instance, knowing what your visitors do on the website is pointless information unless you can put yourself in their shoes and understand how to improve the site for their benefit. And it’s only your emotional awareness that can help you to make sense out of behavioural data. What happens when something stresses you out? When you bring your emotions to the workplace, not only are you more creative and better equipped to understand your customers, but you are also more exposed to sharing your feelings with co-workers. It doesn’t take much observational talent to notice when a colleague is struggling with a stressful situation. Ignoring is not an option anymore, especially as stress is spreading rapidly in the workplace environment. Being in a position to recognize negative feelings and want to act to improve them is the best thing you can do. In short, use your emotional acuteness to know when to act and how to help. Consequently, the best emotional response is to be empathetic and offer a friendly ear to your colleague. Let them know that they are understood and respected, and give them a hand if you can. Sometimes, you can share the workload or simply help them to define a priority list to tackle their tasks efficiently. Recognizing stress in others is the best way to reduce and destroy it before it spreads out. What are the emotional signs that it’s a good place? A workplace that understands emotions and how to maximize their positive impacts is a place that makes you feel good as an employee. Even if you’re feeling stressed out about a specific project, it’s important to recognize the signs of a good workplace. For a start, you’re not dreading the idea of going to work every morning. You’re rather excited to get up and go to work. Difficulties are not perceived as such; you see them as challenges. You appreciate them as much as solving a crossword clue! Besides, you’re an expert in your area, and your workplace knows it, as others seek out your opinion on specific projects. Finally, you don’t watch the clock when you work. Time flies past, and you don’t even notice it! Are you emotionally ready to take a chance? What if you want to approach something bigger and make a bold move to improve your career. Every change of career or company needs to be accompanied by positive feelings. Indeed, if you decide to approach a new job with anxiety, it’s likely that you will, firstly, fail to impress your new colleagues and, secondly, not be able to make a positive difference in your new company. However bold your professional move is, you need to be emotionally committed to making it work. This is the first piece of advice that graduates hear when they consider moving abroad to advance their career. It’s an exciting and productive decision.   But it can only benefit you if you are prepared to embrace something new. Additionally, just as foreign employees are required to learn English when they want to work in an English-speaking country, you might find that you have to emotionally committed to developing your language skills. Why emotionally committed? Because you need to care about something to learn it. What if you the workplace creates negative emotions? Unfortunately not every emotion that you experience during your working life is positive. There are companies or work environment that can be emotionally draining so that you might race towards a certain burnout syndrome without even noticing it. How does it happen? More often than not, people who put too much emotional pressure on themselves to achieve high standards exhaust themselves physically and emotionally. However, they are some indicating signs that can help you to stop before it’s too late. For a start, a common sign is to experience a strong feeling of not wanting to go to work in such a manner that you become completely detached from your professional responsibility. You might not even feel happy at the idea of going back home at the end of the day because you can’t de-stress. If you experience any of this, you should talk to a counselor to find out what to do. What if you have negative emotions about quitting the job? So, you’ve discussed the situation with a counselor, and you’ve decided to quit. But instead of making you feel better, you feel ashamed of yourself, as if you were giving up. Quitting is a choice; it’s not a fatality or a sign of weakness. You quit because there’s something better for you elsewhere. Your emotions are a thrive for improvements in your life and your career. But they are also deeply connected to your well-being, especially if you are suffering from a lot of negative feelings. The safest way to make your emotions part of your career is to embrace the positive ones and learn the lessons for improvements from the negative feelings.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Homeless Woman Finds Shelter through Twitter - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Homeless Woman Finds Shelter through Twitter - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career AnnMarie Walsh has a beautiful smile and a soul to match. What she does not have is a home. @padschicago, as she’s known to her followers, stumbled upon Twitter without any idea where it would lead. “It was an outlet to share the feelings and emotions, sometimes bad” she shared with a group at Social Media Day Chicago recently about her initial tweets. Soon she found herself at local Tweet Ups and in the company of other twitter fans. The outlet was helping her, in many ways. Power of a Social Brand During one of the local TweetUps, AnnMarie met a man that would eventually change the course of her life. He later direct messaged her on Twitter and, despite initial hesitation, she replied. He was a social worker connected to a program to end homelessness at a local university; they met and with his help, she was accepted into the program, which included housing. She’s now advanced into her second program and living safely with a roof over her head, food to eat and on her way to a long-term solution. “Homeless Individual and Advocate” Her story continues to inspire from TweetUp to TweetUp as @padschicago is a “Homeless Individual and Advocate” â€" just read her card. Yes, she has a business card, talk about personal branding! She makes it easy for you to call her, email her and tweet her. She volunteers her time, when she’s feeling up to it, helping other homeless individuals work through their challenges using the power of social media, primarily Twitter and blogs. It’s Your Turn I find that if a woman that’s been through the toughest of life’s challenges, according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs that is, can whip up a personal brand, tweet about it and network her way into a program that delivered what she needed (shelter); you can to! Grab a piece of courage from AnnMarie’s story and start your Twitter account today. Join a local TweetUp and network with fellow Twitter fans. Once you’re on twitter, remember to follow AnnMarie @padschicago and take a stop by her blog at Lastly, I’d be remiss if I didn’t say that if you’re reading this and have an extra condo sitting empty that you want to gift to AnnMarie, let her know. She’s the most inspirational, authentic and deserving person I have had the pleasure of meeting. Author: Adriana Llames  is the Division Vice President, Social Media Marketing for Sears Holdings and the acclaimed author of “Career Sudoku: 9 Ways to Win the Job Search Game”. Llames led a boutique career coaching services firm for over a decade and has been featured on ABC, CNNMoney, CBS News and Yahoo! For more information, visit

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Do Cover Letters Really Matter in Executive Job Search - Executive Career Brandâ„¢

Do Cover Letters Really Matter in Executive Job Search Opinions vary on whether or not cover letters are even read â€" or needed â€" in job search.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Keeping Up with a Changing Job Market 6 Recession-Proof Jobs We All Need to Know About - CareerAlley

Keeping Up with a Changing Job Market 6 Recession-Proof Jobs We All Need to Know About - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. No matter what sort of occupation you want to go into, its only natural that you will want to feel supported and secure in your role. While we all love a booming economy, booms are inevitably followed by a recession. If youre after a career that provides you with job security, here are six recession-proof jobs that you need to know about. Medical Professional There are all sorts of roles and specialties within the medical field. Whether youre interested in becoming a registered nurse, dentist, paramedic or even a veterinarian, all of these positions fall into this category. No matter what the state of the economy is, people and animals get sick, meaning there are always jobs within the medical world that need filling to help those in need. Before you can get started in any of the fields listed, its important that you have the right qualifications and credentials behind you. If youre after a career that provides you with job security, here are six recession-proof jobs that you need to know about. Tweet This Counseling, Therapy, and Specialized Care This sector is a close second to the medical care field. People value their well-being, so roles in looking after the elderly, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and substance abuse counseling are positions that you can enter into without fear of losing your job. When people are in pain and distress, they will invest in services that help them get rid of their discomfort. There are also some services that are covered by insurance, meaning that people are encouraged to use them, regardless of their financial situation. Image by Igor Ovsyannykov from Pixabay Law Enforcement Whether the economy is booming or a recession has struck, there is always crime that needs fighting. Residents and businesses want to feel safe in their communities, so if you want to help others and like the idea of a career in law enforcement, becoming a police officer can provide you with stability and security. If youre thinking about entering into law enforcement, its advised that you take out a life insurance policy that can help financially protect your loved ones. Financial Services Money movement is crucial, which explains why financial professionals will always be in high demand. Positions such as an accountant, claims adjuster, insurance underwriter or auditor are roles you can go into that will provide you with stability. The full list of financial service roles is varied and long, with many of the positions requiring professional certifications before getting started, such as a CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst). Public Utility Services When in an economic downturn, electric, sewage, recycling, and trash services will always survive and rise above it because, after all, they are crucial to maintaining public health and order. Even in a tough economy, there are many cities across the world that are required by law to conduct an annual audit of their trash service providers. If youre interested in a public utility service role, it will take much more than a recession to keep you out of work. Education Services Economic booms may appear and disappear, however, investing in the future is always important. If youre passionate about making a difference to the youth of today and inspiring them to reach their goals, you may want to consider a role in primary education, secondary education or higher education. Whats more, a role in education can be flexible in both delivery style and location. When the economy is thriving, you may feel like youre on top of the world in your job, however, when a recession hits, the last thing you will want is to worry about whether your position is safe, therefore, considering a job in any of the six fields listed can bring you peace of mind and help you stay financially secure. What's next? Ready to take action? Choose the right tools to help you build your career. Looking for related topics? Find out how to identify and land your dream job. Subscribe and make meaningful progress on your career. It’s about time you focused on your career. Get Educated Contact Us Advertise Copyright 2020 CareerAlley. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy + Disclosure home popular resources subscribe search

Friday, May 8, 2020

Listing of Words When Writing a Resume For Teachers

Listing of Words When Writing a Resume For TeachersThe first thing you will want to do is list the best used when writing a resume for teachers. You will want to use these words, and then move on to the next item on your list. In order to write a job resume that will get you hired, you will need to know what the most common things they are looking for are. Here are the most used words when writing a resume for teachers.First off, most people will be looking for someone with experience. This is important in a teaching position, because it shows that you have some training and a wealth of knowledge. When you are working towards a teaching position, you will want to show that you have done all the groundwork needed to get yourself ready for your dream job.The next list of words that you will want to include are the ones that relate to your educational background. If you are trying to get into teaching, you will need to show that you have a background in a variety of subjects, so that yo u can be as compatible as possible with the students that you will be dealing with. Here are some of the most used words when writing a resume for teachers.Next, you will want to use the words' creativity and innovation in order to show that you are an independent thinker. Teaching is not something that you can do alone. In order to get the best opportunities out there, you will need to know how to work with other people in order to achieve the goals that you set out for yourself.Finally, you will want to use the words discipline and determination in order to show that you are a hard worker. Most people who are in teaching have hard lives in order to make ends meet. That is why they need to be able to focus their attention on their work and ondoing what needs to be done.In order to write a resume that will get you hired, you will want to know the words that people most often use when they are looking for the ideal teacher. These words, combined with the list of words that you will i nclude, should be enough to help you come up with a great resume. When you find that perfect combination, you will be well on your way to making your dreams come true.In the hiring process, you will need to make sure that you stand out from the crowd. While everyone else is trying to use the same words, you will want to stand out from the rest of the candidates. By knowing the best used words when writing a resume for teachers, you will be able to show that you are a person who is capable of teaching students, and at the same time, have the drive and ability to teach as well.Knowing these words and using them correctly will help you stand out in the crowd. There are so many people out there who are looking for teachers. So take advantage of this opportunity and show the world what you have to offer.